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Anita  Da Ros
Anita Da Ros
Current Role: CEO at Kiiva International
End Goal: CEO
Mentoring Type Mentee    Location Treviso, Italy
Education Management
About Anita
The experiences gained working in NGOs, Government (Houses of Parliament, UK), NATO and the private sector helped me to develop solid leadership skills as well as analytical knowledge. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anita-da-ros-4bb5492b/
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area sales manager at Ali Group
Treviso, Veneto, IT
Coach at Coach Uwa
Treviso, Veneto, IT
Event Manager at Lisa Prada
Treviso, Veneto, IT
Development manager at Crc
Luxembourg, LU
Channel Manager at Warner Music
London, GB
Anita 's Mentoring Experience
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Anita 's Experience
Jan 2016 - Present
Kiiva International
🇬🇧 KIIVA INTERNATIONAL's mission:🇺🇸 Support students and workers to find a University, internship or a language course abroad - the client choose the destination. We also provide one to one consultancy with our experts that will support the client to set their goals for the future while we make the right plan and get the paperwork and bureaucracy done on their behalf. In particular for people who wish to porsue a career abroad we help them with their CV, Cover Letter and a mock job interview in a selected foreign language. Once everything is set and decided and all the right information is on our clients' hands we take care of everything and support them throughout the period they spend abroad. To know more please check out our website: WWW.KIIVA-INTERNATIONAL.COM Or contact us at: info@kiiva-international.com
YouTuber - Education, Training and Languages
Jan 2016 - Present
Kiiva International
I believe YouTube is a great channel to help and support students and workers that would like to start a new experience abroad. For such reason Kiiva International started the YouTube Channel in February 2016 posting videos on various subjects such as: -Studying in a foreign University (BA & Master) -English language -How to pass an interview in English (with examples) -CV and Cover Letter -Various videos on the subject of moving abroad (accomodation, transport, lifestyle) -The CEO experience at the Houses of Parliament in London -Moving to other countries, for instance USA, Russia or Australia -and much more will come If you are interested please check out our Videos on YouTube: KIIVA INTERNATIONAL or click on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGJpDX7Oc_xEZ2uugatKbvg/about ENJOY THE VIDEOS!
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